Creston, with a population of approximately 7,500, is a rural community located in the hills of southwest Iowa. Creston is a wholesome and relaxed community with shopping, entertainment, recreation, medical facilities, and culture.
Creston sits at the intersection of Highways 34 and 25. Temperatures in Creston fluctuate with the seasons with minimum/maximum temperatures being: spring-18º/101º F; summer-47º/101º F; fall-15º/84º F; and winter-1º/55º F.
The nearest airports are the Des Moines International Airport in Des Moines, approximately 70 miles; Eppley Airfield in Omaha, NE, approximately 100 miles; and the Kansas City International Airport in Kansas City, KS, approximately 150 miles. AMTRAK makes daily stops at Creston's restored depot.
Union County Resource Directory
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