StrategicPlanBooklet 2016 20COVERIn 2021, Southwestern Community College celebrates 55 years of operation. The college has made a significant impact during those years, through career and technical education, college transfer coursework, workforce training programs for area employers, and much more.

The process of developing the 2021-25 strategic plan began in August 2019 with the Board of Trustees’ approval of the college’s Purpose Statement. With the board-approved Purpose Statement in mind, all SWCC employees reviewed the previous strategic plan and accomplishments, learned about current trends facing community colleges and the industries we serve, and were challenged to develop potential ideas for new strategic initiatives. A diverse team of dedicated individuals then came together to review all of this information in order to develop a strategic plan that will guide the work of the college for the next five years. A clear focus on student learning and success emerged during this process.

Purpose Statement

Southwestern Community College exists in order that community members have opportunities to gain skills and knowledge sufficient for successful employment, higher education achievement, and lifelong learning.


  1. Strengthen and expand student learning and success.
  2. Increase student enrollment, retention, and completion.
  3. Maximize resources to support student, institutional, and community needs.
  4. Provide an innovative environment that supports learning.
  5. Strengthen and expand relationships with employers to provide effective workforce preparation.

Strategic Plan FY 2021-25

Strategic Plan Accomplishment Reporting Form

FY 2016-20 Strategic Plan Accomplishments Report

The publications listed above are available in PDF format and may be read in Adobe Reader.  If you do not have Adobe Reader, please download the most recent version here.
