Counselor working with client

The psychology transfer major provides students with opportunities to earn Associate of Arts (AA) degrees, which transfer to many four-year institutions. This degree is designed for students interested in an introduction to the field of psychology and for students looking to further their understanding of the biological, psychological, and environmental influences that guide human behavior.

Awards Available

The Associate of Arts (AA) degree readies students for their junior year at the college/university level. This degree totals 64 credits of general education from the following areas–communication, humanities, math, science, social sciences, and electives. Students in this program are sometimes referred to as transfer or liberal arts students. As an Associate of Arts Degree student, your chosen major could include business, early childhood education, elementary education, English, history, psychology, secondary education, sociology, etc.

Associate of Arts (AA) Degree Sheet 

Potential Careers

  • Case manager
  • Counselor
  • Human resources
  • Organizational psychologist
  • Psychologist
  • Social worker

Want to find out more about the Psychology program? Get Information

  • ENG 105 Composition I
  • MAT 156 Statistics
  • PSY 111 Introduction to Psychology
  • ENG 106 Composition II
  • MAT 120 College Algebra
  • PSY 121 Developmental Psychology
  • PSY 251 Social Psychology
  • PHI 105 Introduction to Ethics
  • SOC 110 Introduction to Sociology
  • SPC 112 Public Speaking
  • MUS 100 Music Appreciation
  • PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy

Click on the course number in the list above to view the course description. This may not be a complete list of courses that may be included for the psychology transfer pathway. To see all courses in a semester-by-semester plan, view the Psychology transfer pathway course outline.

Download the program outline  

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