We would love to send you some information about SWCC and show you why SWCC is the place for you. Give us some information about yourself and we'll get some info sent to you soon!
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Thanks for your interest in SWCC! If you asked for more info, we will send it soon. If you picked a date for a visit, our admissions team will contact you.
In the meantime, we wanted you to know that getting started at SWCC is as easy as 1-2-3.

Apply online
Complete and submit your application for admission online at www.swcciowa.edu/apply. If you have questions contact the admissions office at, 641.782.1421 or admissions@swcciowa.edu.

Submit final high school transcripts or High School Equivalency Diploma scores to SWCC. Submit official college or university transcript(s) from each institution you have attended!

In recognition of the varying skill levels of entering students, Southwestern Community College uses the ACCUPLACER test, ACT, or high school transcripts as placement guides, which enable advisors to better advise students with course selection and scheduling. High school transcripts and/or test scores must be on file with admissions prior to registration.
We hope to see you soon. If you have any other questions, give admissions a call at 641.782.1421 or email us at admissions@swcciowa.edu.