Opportunities for high school students to earn college credit are available at a number of districts throughout the college's region - SWCC CEP Course Offerings. A SWCC CEP course is taught at the high school by a high school instructor who meets SWCC’s instructor qualifications. Enrollment in a concurrent enrollment course generates an official college transcript for each student where grades, withdrawals, etc. are recorded.
SWCC was awarded National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) accreditation in 2012. NACEP is a professional organization for high schools and colleges that fosters and supports rigorous concurrent enrollment. NACEP serves as a national accrediting body and supports all members by providing standards of excellence, research, communication, and advocacy. NACEP defines concurrent enrollment as the subset of dual enrollment courses taught by college-approved high school teachers.
High school teachers looking to become approved SWCC CEP instructors can contact
The following checklist will serve as a guide to take classes through SWCC’s Concurrent Enrollment Program:
- Students must meet proficiency requirements as evidenced by standardized test or alternative measure of proficiency as approved the local district’s Board of Education.
- Students must also meet the same admission and placement policies as traditional college students, as outlined in the SWCC College Catalog & Student Handbook.
- Students must complete the Southwestern application for admission
- Students must complete their high school’s respective registration form (available from your school counselor.) If a student is under 18, a parent or guardian must also sign the form.
- Students must complete the ACCUPLACER test by the first day of SWCC classes (unless the student has a documented score of 19 or higher on his/her ACTs).
- If a student does not meet the eligibility requirements after taking the ACCUPLACER, the high school may recommend the student be allowed to take the course by completing the SWCC High School Acceptance of Responsibility Form.
- Receive approval from the Southwestern secondary programs director for course selection and registration.
Concurrent Enrollment classes follow the respective school district’s academic calendar for meeting dates. All other important dates will follow Southwestern’s schedule.
Student Resources
- How to Access the SWCCyou Portal - Login to SWCCyou to view class schedule, midterm and final grades, unofficial transcript, and demographic profile.
- Webmail: Access your SWCC Email Account
- Educational Equity Statement
- Transcript Request
- Transition To College
- SWCC College Catalog & Student Handbook
- SWCC Course Schedule