There are several options to make Creston very accessible to reach without purchasing a vehicle of your own!
Modes of transportation to get to Creston:
AMTRAK trains run through many major cities throughout the United States and stop in uptown Creston. Some of the major cities include Chicago, Illinois; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Dallas, Texas; St.Paul, Minnesota; and Omaha, Nebraska.
Greyhound Lines, Inc. is a North American bus service that has a station 40km (35 miles) east of Creston in Osceola, Iowa. Greyhound also runs from most of the major cities including Des Moines, Iowa.
Megabus is a low-cost, express bus service to offer city-to-city travel for as low as $1 via the Internet.
The airports closest to Creston are located in Des Moines, Iowa, and Omaha, Nebraska.
Southern Iowa Trolley is a door-to-door public transportation service for Creston and surrounding areas. 641.782.6571 | 215 E. Montgomery St., Creston, Iowa 50801