Industrial Training

Southwestern Community College partners with a variety of service providers to meet individual training needs and financial assistance of area businesses and industries. Economic development staff members are available for businesss consulting, training plan development, and resource referrals. 

Industrial New Jobs Training Program 260E - provides businesses that are expanding their workforce with training funds. Eligible businesses divert withholding taxes generated by the new jobs at no additional cost to the employer or employee.

Iowa Jobs Training Program 260F - provides a forgivable grant to train existing employees of eligible businesses in Iowa. Employers will work with a consultant to assess training needs determine level of funding available.

Accelerated Career Education 260G – sponsor a new educational program that could turn students into future employees.

Manufacturing 4.0 Loan Participation Program – assists manufacturers making the transition to Industry 4.0 technologies.

Manufacturing 4.0 Technology Investment Program – provides grants that assist small and mid-sized enterprises with the adoption and integration of smart technologies into existing operations in the state.

Apprenticeships – prepares workers for in-demand jobs and meets the needs of businesses for highly skilled workforce that can innovate and adapt.

  • Iowa Apprenticeship Act (15B) – Supports conducting and maintaining a registered apprenticeship program that provides a minimum of 100 in-person contact hours.
  • Iowa Registered Apprenticeship Development Fund (15C) – supports small to mid-sized programs with 20 or less registered apprentices for high-demand occupations.

Internships – transitions Iowa students to full-time employment with the goal of retaining a skilled workforce.

  • Iowa Student Internship Program – supports small to medium sized companies in a targeted industry (advanced manufacturing, bioscience, information technology).
  • Iowa STEM Internship Program – Supports companies with internships in a STEM field (science, technology, engineering, mathematics).

SICOG Revolving Loan Fund – intended to be gap financing for projects that may not qualify for 100% of funding through lenders. Designed to assist eligible businesses with fixed asset acquisition real estate and machinery, fixtures, inventory and working capital needs.

Grow Iowa Foundation – provides low-interest financing for business starts, expansion and community development projects.

Custom Leadership Training