Welcome to Southwestern’s New Student Orientation Information! This page is designed to meet the needs of every student we serve, including those who attend face-to-face or online. Many of your questions can be answered as you read through the information below from various departments on campus. Be sure to click on the links provided to explore more in-depth.
Spartans, remember to sign up for Omnilert alerts under the technology portion of the webpage and complete the FERPA release in SWCCyou.
If you'd like a face-to-face orientation experience, check out our Experience Southwestern upcoming dates.
Feel free to contact admissions at 641.782.1421 if you have any questions.
If you haven't already signed up for the Experience Southwestern New Student Orientation, sign up today.
Sign up for Experience Southwestern
- Technology
- Advising
- Transfer Planning
- Disability Services
- Title IX + Campus Safety
- Business Office
- Financial Aid
- SWCC Shoppe
- Student Activities
- Clubs/Organizations
- Student ID information
- SWCC Zone
- Spartan Corner
- Student Housing
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Health Services
SWCCyou Portal
SWCCyou is our online student portal where you can find vital college information such as academic transcripts, advising information, course schedules, billing statements, and more. You can visit the full portal at https://you.swcciowa.edu. You can also download the SWCCyou app from the App Store or Google Play Store.
- Username example: Your username is the first part of your email before the “@” sign. Example: smith80
- Password: Swcc and your 8-digit birthday. Example: Swcc 01131998
Omnilert College Notifications
Sign up to receive campus alerts, closures, delays, student activities, instructor absences, and important SWCC reminders.
Student Email
Access your SWCC student email
- Username example:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Password: "Swcc" and your 8-digit birthday (MMDDYYYY). Example: Swcc01131998
Canvas Online Classes
Logging into Canvas to attend your online classes, check assignments, and communicate with your instructor.
- Username: Your first and last name. Example: marysmith
- Password: Your first and last name. Example: marysmith
Academic advising will be a connecting point for you at Southwestern Community College. As a new student, initially, you will most likely meet with a representative in the admissions office to develop your first class schedule. At that time, you will be assigned an academic advisor.
At SWCC, we believe in the importance of academic advising, so every student is assigned an advisor in his or her academic area. Your advisor helps you plan your course of study and makes suggestions in your program planning. Your advisor may help you investigate careers as well. The advisor's role is to provide guidance. It is up to you as a student to make the correct choices to graduate from your chosen academic program.
Once you are assigned an advisor, plan to sign up for future semester classes with your academic advisor. Each semester, before registering, do some thinking and planning. Review the college catalog to become familiar with your general education requirements and the policies and procedures of Southwestern. The Areas of Study page on SWCC's website has degree requirement sheets for each program at Southwestern. Your advisor can guide you in decision-making, but the choices are yours to make.
It is your responsibility to seek out your advisor and contact him or her. Two specific times to meet would include midterms to discuss your grades and academic progress and again when it is time to register for the next semester’s classes.
Click the link to view the Advising Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.
Transfer Planning
If your academic goal is to earn a bachelor’s degree, you'll spend the first two years of college at SWCC taking your general education requirements. Then, you'll be ready to transfer to a four-year college or university.
At SWCC, we encourage students to start looking at their transfer plans from their first semester enrolled. Students can make class choices based upon their transfer school and major, which will in-turn make for a smooth transition to their four-year school. Your focus at Southwestern will be to obtain the Associate of Arts (AA) degree or the Associate of Science (AS) degree.
During your program of study, you are encouraged to work with your academic advisor to satisfy transfer requirements.
Southwestern has transfer information right at your fingertips on the Transfer Planning webpage. If you plan to attend one of the following schools:
- Iowa State University
- Graceland University
- Northwest Missouri State University
- University of Iowa
- University of Northern Iowa
It is advisable to apply for the transfer partnership program with your specific college or university. Visit SWCC's Partnership Programs webpage for information on all the benefits of the partnership programs, and for the links to apply for those programs.
Helpful links for those planning to transfer to one of Iowa's Regent institutions:
If you have specific transfer questions, contact Deb Pantini, Director of Student Development, at 641.782.1458 or
Disability Services
Students with disabilities are entitled to equal opportunities to participate in and benefit from Southwestern Community College (SWCC) educational services. Students with disabilities attending SWCC will be assisted in the most appropriate manner to accommodate their special needs as they complete their educational programs.
A request for accommodations may be made by contacting Deb Pantini, director of student development. Her office is located in the Administration Center on the Creston campus.
An application for reasonable accommodation and appropriate documentation of the disability are required before services may be activated. Achieving reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities involves shared responsibility among students, faculty, and staff.
For more information about disability services, visit the following webpage: https://www.swcciowa.edu/campus-services/disability-services.
Director of Student Development:
Deb Pantini
Title IX + Campus Safety
Title IX Information
Sexual Assault Awareness
Southwestern Community College will not tolerate the commission of sexual offenses by or against students, faculty, and/or staff on or at any college campus, centers, facilities, and/or activities. It is the policy at Southwestern Community College to provide education to help prevent sexual offenses, facilitate the reporting of and provide information on counseling concerning sexual offenses, and, when appropriate, investigate and take disciplinary actions regarding sexual offenses.
For more information, please visit: https://www.swcciowa.edu/about/general-college-information/title-ix-coordinator
Campus Safety and Security Information
Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989
The college has an interest and obligation to provide a drug-free, healthy, safe, and secure environment for its staff and students.
- Sanctions
- There are substantial penalties from drug and alcohol violations. Individuals are subject to federal, state, and local laws as well as college policies.
- Hazards of Drug Use: Illicit drug use may result in:
- Physical or psychological dependency
- A craving or inability to stop using drugs
- Adverse effects on the body systems
- Injury due to motor vehicle crashes, assaults or other unintended acts
- Disruption of personal relationships and work habits or ineligibility for some types of employment
- Available Services for Drug and Alcohol Abuse
- Crossroads Behavioral Health Services
- Creston - 641.782.4053
- Osceola - 641.342.4888
- Winterset - 515.462.3105
- Zion Recovery Services, Inc.
- Atlantic - 712.243.5091
- Greenfield - 641.743.2439
- Red Oak - 712.623.4801
- Crossroads Behavioral Health Services
- Alcoholics Anonymous Central Office - 800.207.2172
- Alcohol Drug Treatment Referral - 800.662.4357
- Campus Contacts & Numbers
- Title IX Coordinator - Lana Bartmess (641.782.1456 or
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) - Deputy Title IX Coordinator - Kim Bishop (641.782.1413 or
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
- Title IX Coordinator - Lana Bartmess (641.782.1456 or
Business Office
Tuition (price per credit) hour and fee information, as well as housing costs for the 2024-25 academic year can be found online at https://www.swcciowa.edu/business-office/tuition-and-fees.
Payment information can be found online at https://www.swcciowa.edu/business-office/payment-options. Students with account balances can set up payment plans through SWCC’s Nelnet payment plan. Access to Nelnet is located in the SWCCyou portal under the Students tab.
For students receiving outside scholarships or third-party billing, those funds will be received in student accounts and then applied accordingly to the student’s account.
Students can sign up for direct deposit of their refund checks, check their student account balance, and find 1098T tax information through the SWCCyou portal.
All students parking on campus will need parking stickers for their cars. There is no charge for parking stickers, but they are necessary for all vehicles. Parking stickers are available in the business office in the Administration Center.
The Spartan Café, located in the Student Center, is open to all students. Students wishing to add money to their accounts to be used at the Spartan Café should request bar codes on their student IDs (students should get their photo student IDs in the LRC/library). See the business office in the Administration Center to add money to your student account. The Spartan Café also takes cash or credit/debit cards.
For students living in the residence halls, their café cash balances will be placed on their accounts to be used in the Spartan Café with their photo IDs.
Answers to these questions and more may be found under the business office frequently asked questions (FAQ) page on the college website.
Financial Aid
To complete the 2024-25 FAFSA, students should go to Studentaid.gov. For Southwestern’s financial aid staff to access your FAFSA information, you will need to enter Southwestern’s Federal School Code: 001857.
When you apply for financial aid, you will need to create an FSA ID. More information on the FSA ID can be found at https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/create-account/launch.
If you have not completed the FAFSA, a list of payment options for your student account may be found on the business office webpages.
NetPartner is SWCC’s Financial Aid Portal. You can use NetPartner for identifying missing documents needed, accepting financial aid, and seeing when your financial aid will be disbursed.
Some good resources for your questions about financial aid at SWCC may be found on the general financial aid information page and on SWCC’s Financial Aid Guide in the financial aid section of the college’s website.
Students who have questions about work-study can find details on the Work-Study Information page on SWCC’s website.
SWCC Shoppe
The SWCC Shoppe is located in the Student Center, upper level, located on the north side of campus.
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
TRIO-Student Support Services is funded 100 percent ($325,051) by the U.S. Department of Education and serves 180 participants each academic year. All services are FREE! To be eligible for Student Support Services, students must meet at least one of the following:
- First-generation college student (Neither parent has a four-year college degree) or
- Low-income individual (Based on Federal Financial Aid/Taxable Income) or
- Student with a documented disability.
Services offered (most services are offered face-to-face and virtual):
- Tutoring
- Academic/Career Advising
- Academic Skills Workshops
- Transfer Assistance
- Scholarship/Grant Assistance
- Cultural/Social Activities
For more information and how to apply go to: https://www.swcciowa.edu/trio-sss
Through TRIO-Student Support Services, Southwestern offers FREE tutoring to all SWCC students.
Student Activities
SWCC has various social events throughout the academic year along with two major week-long activities.
PIF Week
During Pay it Forward (PIF Week), held each year in April, SWCC students, faculty, and staff get involved by encouraging positive behaviors and service to the community. The hope is these efforts will ripple and spread community-wide in Creston, Osceola, and Red Oak.
A week, during fall semester, full of free on-campus events for every SWCC student to participate.
Ag Club
The Southwestern Ag Club is open to students who have an interest in or are majoring in agriculture. The purpose of the club is to promote leadership and to provide students the opportunity to work with the community, livestock, and build lifelong friendships.
Allies Club
The Allies Club is open to all Southwestern students. The purpose of the Allies Club is to foster an active and diverse culture at Southwestern Community College.
Art Club
The Art Club is open to anyone who is interested in the arts. The purpose of the club is to promote art appreciation and the art program of Southwestern. You do not have to be enrolled in an art class to be involved. Contact Kelly Devitt, art instructor, at
Auto Collision Repair Club
The Auto Collision Repair Club creates understanding of collision repair and promotes professionalism in the industry. Activities include career days and field trips to auto manufacturing plans, National Hot Rod Association drag races, tool manufacturers, state-of-the-art body shops, insurance companies, car shows, and body supply warehouses. Contact Jeff Magneson, auto collision repair/refinish instructor, at
Auto Repair Technology Club
The Auto Repair Technology Club provides opportunities for students to develop vocational competencies for the auto repair technology program and facilitate the transition from school to work. It also encourages members in the development of individual professionalism that contributes to how the industry is perceived. Contact automotive repair technology instructors Kole Vogel at
Business Professionals of America
Membership in Business Professionals of America promotes the development of leadership skills and encourages further interest in the business and office environment. As a member, you'll have opportunities to attend field trips and state leadership conferences, as well as assist with SWCC's annual high school business contest on-campus. You might even have the opportunity to compete in business-related competitions at statewide conference. SWCC students have done extremely well in recent competition and oftentimes qualify for national competition. Contact Dr. Barb Brown, business and information technology instructor, at
Carpentry Club
The Carpentry Club offers students another opportunity to function in leadership roles and participate in field trips to material manufacturers, suppliers, construction sites, and workshops related to the construction industry.
Computer Club
Southwestern's Computer Club offers students opportunities to function in leadership roles, participate in field trips to IT processing centers, meet and interview industry leaders, and participate in monthly events and games. Contact Lance Stonehocker, computer networking and technology instructor, at
Criminal Justice Club
The Criminal Justice Club is open to all students all campus. Students do not have to be criminal justice majors to attend. The club aims to provide insight of the broad array of careers within the criminal justice system through networking with criminal justice professionals, attending legal hearings, exploring social justice issues, and understanding the criminal justice system’s impact on society. Contact TBA, criminal justice instructor, at TBA.
Disc Golf Club
The disc golf club is open to any SWCC student, faculty, or staff member interested in the game of disc golf. The purpose of the club is to increase awareness of the game, improve playing skills and understanding of the rules, and among other things, play disc golf! Contact Joel Wires, marketing coordinator, at
Electrical Technology Club
Students may join SWCC's electrical technology club to gain additional experience in the electrical field, participate in service learning projects, attend industry-related events/visits, organize fundraising activities, and gain valuable leadership experience. Contact Jon Oswald, electrical technology instructor, at
eSpartans Gaming Club
All SWCC students are invited to join the eSpartans Gaming Club! The club strives to create a community to foster leadership, teamwork, and critical thinking skills through gaming.The purpose of the club is to provide a sense of community for participants; engage students with a wide variety of skills and interests; create an accepting and inclusive environment; and provide opportunities for students to pursue their areas of interest. As eSpartans, members are required to participate in at least one eSports Club event per semester. Membership is free, but the group does a minimal amount of fundraising. Contact Lance Stonehocker, computer networking and technology instructor, at
Nursing Club
All students enrolled in nursing education are members of their individual program’s Nursing Education Club. Nursing Education Clubs assist students in the development of technical and professional skills required of the licensed nurse. The clubs also stress leadership development and community activities. Clubs meet as needed monthly, typically to conduct class business. Contact is Maureen Weaver, nursing department chair, at
Phi Theta Kappa
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is an international honor society at Southwestern Community College. Please visit this site for eligibility requirements/membership benefits. Contact Joe Pastorino, business and information technology instructor, at
Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)
SIFE is a team of students who wish to learn more about the free enterprise system through community projects. SIFE is for all students in Southwestern Community College. Contact Holly Booth, business and information technology instructor, at
Student Senate
The college's Student Senate is the official representative government for SWCC students. At the beginning of each fall term, a Student Senate is elected by the student body. The main purpose of the Student Senate is to provide a means of organized student expression within the college and to encourage and promote interest in college affairs and activities. Contact Casie Klejch, director of assessment and student success, at
Welding Club
The purpose of the Welding Club is to strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work, create more interest in and an understanding of the welding technology career field, encourage members in the development of individual professionalism that contributes to how the industry is perceived, assist students in the establishment of occupational goals, and facilitate the transition from school to work. Contact Luke Nelson, welding instructor, at
Student Ambassador
Each year, Southwestern Community College hires its finest students to act as a team of ambassadors for the college. The student ambassadors are a group of energetic individuals with excellent leadership and communication skills. Ambassadors must be willing to work as part of a team and be excited about what SWCC has to offer students and the community.
Apply to be a Student Ambassador
Contact Lauren England, admissions director, at
Student ID Information
Students can visit the LRC in the Instructional Center on the Creston campus to get their student IDs. Students who plan to live in the residence halls, or who plan to put money on their student accounts to be used at the Spartan Café, will need to ask the LRC staff to add a bar code to the back of their student IDs.
Students will use their student IDs to check out materials from the library, to take tests in the Assessment Center, to receive free admissions to SWCC athletic events, and to use their café cash from their student accounts at the Spartan Café, among other things.
Students should check out information about the SWCC Zone in these online orientation materials for information on how to receive discounts at local businesses with their SWCC student IDs.
The SWCC Zone is a partnership between participating area businesses and Southwestern Community College. Its purpose is to create a strong bond and system of support and encouragement between Southwestern Community College students and the surrounding communities…or the SWCC Zone.
Visit the SWCC Zone - swcczone.com
Spartan Corner
The Spartan Corner assists students experiencing food insecurity. It is open for business outside the SWCC Shoppe, located in the Student Center, on the Creston campus. The Spartan Corner hours are the same as the Student Center hours, and all hours are based on the days the SWCC campus is open.
Student Housing
Students may apply for housing up to the beginning of the semester they plan to enroll--Student Housing Application. A $150 deposit is required upon application.
Students who have applied for student housing and have received their housing contracts for fall semester should have the completed housing contract submitted to the housing department by July 1.
Watch the Fall Move-In page for housing instructions, as well as the move-in schedule for fall semester. Students who have completed all housing paperwork will be able to sign up for a move-in time.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects student records. When a child turns 18 years old or enters a postsecondary institution at any age, the rights under FERPA are transferred from the parents to the student.
Students need to complete a FERPA release to have information released, including to a parent or guardian. In the SWCC student system, information about grades or bills WILL NOT be released to parents without a FERPA release.
Students can complete a FERPA release by logging in to SWCCyou and completing the FERPA Release of Information Form in the Students tab.
Health Services
The health and well-being of students is of upmost importance to the administration, faculty, and staff at Southwestern Community College.
The clinic at Greater Regional Health, 1610 W. Townline Street, Suite 200, in Creston, 641.782.2131, has been designated the official agency to provide health services for Southwestern Community College students. The clinic will attend to the health needs of students who require professional medical attention.
Health Insurance
Students are responsible for carrying their own medical insurance for injuries or illnesses sustained while a student at Southwestern.
Mental Health Information
Southwestern offers a couple of virtual options for student mental health. More information can be found on the Mental health services page on SWCC’s website.
Substance Abuse and Sexual Abuse Resources and Information
A number of resources related to substance abuse and sexual abuse are provided on the Campus Wellness Resources page on the college website.
Vaccination Policy
Southwestern Community College suggests students consult with their healthcare provider regarding recommended vaccinations/immunizations recommended by the American College Health Association when deciding whether or not they may want to be vaccinated.
Immunizations recommended by the American College Health Association include: Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR), Tetanus (Td), Polio, Meningococcal Disease (Meningitis), Chicken Pox (Varicella), Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Influenza, and Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine.