Find a book

There are several sources you can use to locate printed books and electronic books.
For printed books use the following sources.

  • Library Catalog – find books that are located in the Southwestern library.
  • SILO – find books in Iowa libraries.
  • World Cat – search for books in libraries worldwide

Electronic books are full-text books that available online.

  • EBSCO eBooks - Multidisciplinary books available thru the EBSCOhost database.
  • Gale Virtual Reference – Over 12,000 specialized reference books.
  • Opposing Viewpoints – Gives the pros and cons of social issues.
  • Credo Reference - Approximately 755 multidisciplinary reference books

Encyclopedias are also available.

  • Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia located in the EBSCOhost databases.

Southwestern provides access to audiobooks and eBooks available to download thru the Bridges consortium website. This is a good place to look for fiction books and classic literary works.