Published January 20, 2014 10:27 am
Souper Bowl of Caring is a national movement of young people, working together around the time of the Super Bowl football game to fight hunger and poverty in their local communities.
On the weeks leading up to or on Super Bowl Sunday, groups collect dollars and food items for people in need. They give 100 percent of their donation directly to the local charity of their choice.
What WE are Doing
Money donation containers will be available in various areas across the Creston campus (LRC, bookstore, Café, Administration Center break room). Think about the amount of money you will be spending for food and beverages during the Super Game and then think about those who have food insecurity and are wondering where their next meal is coming from (pocket change is great!).
Boxes for food donations will be available in the Student Center and the Instructional Center. Please only donate non-perishable food items that are within their “use by” dates. If you need a box in your area or need someone to stop by, email Jody Nedley-Newcomb.
Kick-off is today, January 20, 2014, Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It ends Friday, January 31, 2014 (Friday prior to Super Bowl Sunday).