
3dSimulator CollisionRepairOCTOBER 5, 2012--The Southwestern Community College collision repair/refinish program recently received an exciting delivery--the SiM Spray 3D Virtual Paint System. SimSpray is an immersive virtual reality painting simulator. It will assist SWCC instructors in the teaching of spray painting and coating fundamentals.

With the system in place, students will learn correct body positioning and movement for proper painting and coating techniques. The student operating the system will use a simulated paint gun and headgear to enter an immersive virtual reality environment where he/she will apply "paint" to specific areas of automobiles. The student will view the simulator through the head gear as it tracks his or her motion and painting techniques.


Once the project is complete, the student will receive scoring, be able to view feedback, and receive an evaluation of the finished job and his/her technique. The rest of the class will be able to watch the automobile being painted on a widescreen computer monitor. With the system, the instructor will be able to customize projects for students.

According to Jeff Magneson, SWCC collision repair/refinish instructor, the system will be used during refinishing classes to get students used to technique. The system should assist on training time and decrease expenses. Magneson said they will start using the program this fall.

In photos: Jeff Magneson, SWCC collision repair/refinish instructor, and Steve Westphal, collision repair lab assistant, are trained on the SimSpray system by Yvette Dudac from VRSim, Inc.

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