TRIO SSS 2024-25 Tutoring Schedule

Hours may change. Please contact TRIO-Student Support Services to make an appointment.

Tutor Hours Classes
Freddie Alfred Aviles M.W 12:00-1:30
Tu 9:30-12:00
Th 1:00-2:00
Spanish/English Translation
Brandon Briley M.W 11:30-1:30
Tu.Th 9:30-12:30
Statistics MAT 156
Accounting ACC 131
Christian Hansen Th.F 12:00-3:00 Accounting 1&2 ACC 131 132
Microeconomics ECN 130
Macroeconomics ECN 120
Destiny Larabee M.W 1:00-2:00
Tu 1:30-2:30
Th 11:00-12:00
F 10:45-11:45
Biology 1&2 BIO 112 113
Chemistry CHM 166
Class Organization/Scheduling
Thomas Morgan Tu.Th.Fr 1:00-3:00 Math for Liberal Arts MAT 110 College Algebra MAT 120
Franklin Pastorino Tu.Th 12:00-3:00 Composition ENG 105 Citations/Proofreading
Zachary Roome M.T.W.TH.F 1:00-3:00 Math for Liberal Arts MAT 110
Kaytlynn Schehl M 12:00-1:00
Tu 10:30-1:00
Th 10:30-12:00
Education EDU 245 213 128
Psychology PSY 111 PSY 121
Speech SPC 101
History HIS 110 111
Intro to Philosophy PHI 101
Kirsten Streeter M.W.F 11:00-12:30
Th 12:30-1:00
Criminology CRJ 200 Forensic Science SCI 123
College Algebra MAT 120 Statistics MAT 156
Brylea Woollums Tu 1:45-3:00
Th 10:30-12:00

Nutrition BIO 151
Intro to Psychology PSY 111
Developmental Psychology PSY 121
Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2
BIO 168 BIO 173

Nursing Tutors

Tutor Hours Classes

Emily Franklin

Taylor Green

Nicole Maass

Group- M 3:00-4:00
Individual- W 12:00-2:00
F 1:00-2:00
Allied Health Building Room 913
LPN Nursing Classes