Current Industry news
- Industry Week - Premier source for manufacturers with daily news and 9 manufacturing publications.
- Quick Manufacturing News - daily news features
Organizations & Sites
- Alliance for American Manufacturing
- Federal Energy Management Program - keep up-to-date on laws, products, technologies, and best practices.
- ABB Download Center - download operating instructions, drawings, and manuals.
- NOVO Solutions - a comprehensive list of resources for industrial maintenance.
- 2024 Trends in Industrial Maintenance
Journals and Magazines for Industrial Maintenance
- CCM: Cleaning & Maintenance Management
- Electrical Construction & Maintenance
- IMPO - helps industrial maintenance and plant operations professionals solve the challenges they face every day with new tools, videos and technical content.
- Industrial Machinery Digest - tags and archives each issue for easy searching.
- Manufacturing News - focus is on metalwork.
- Manufacturing Today - lists best practices for industry leaders.
- Manufacturing Tomorrow
- Plant Engineering Magazine
- Plant Services Magazine - information for maintenance and manufacturing.
- Top Manufacturing publications - list by NOVO Solutions.
Journals and Magazines Available in Databases
- Hydraulics & Pneumatics (Gale)