High school students enrolled in SWCC's Career Academy programs have the opportunity to complete a year of college while still in high school. The student attends a college class during part of his or her school day, and spends the remainder of their day at his or her high school taking required and articulated classes.
- Save one year's time and one year's college tuition/book costs.
- Receive concurrent credit for completed course work.
- Ease transition to college.
- Enhance self-esteem and self-confidence.
- Develop career focus and achieve academic/personal goals.
Current Career Academies at Southwestern:
- Auto Collision Repair/Refinish
- Automotive Repair Technology
- Carpentry and Building Trades
- Computer Networking & Information Technology
- Electrical Technology
- Nurse Assisting
- Welding Technology
Also available:
- Building Operator Pathway - Emerging CTE dual credit program in Region 14 supported by the Statewide Iowa Intermediary Work-based Learning Grant.
Your school district must have an Educational Services Contract with Southwestern Community College before you can enroll in a Career Academy class. All tuition and textbook costs are paid through a combination of the high school, SWCC, and state incentive funds. Students are responsible for transportation to class.
To learn more or to sign up for a Career Academy, please visit How to Sign up. For more information, please contact Rachel Ramaeker, director of secondary programs.